Could eating like our ancestors make us healthier?

The evolution of mankind from the stone ages till now has also shown a remarkable change in diet. With the coming of humans developing larger brains, they had evolved to consume grains, cooked meat, starches, and many more. With this time and age we have been able to mass produce food and changed from this hunter gatherer society into one of factories of farms. However it seems the food that we consume now comes with a heavy toll compared to our ancestors. Diseases that were not known to our ancestors such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart diseases have appeared in our current age. This led people to search for a healthier alternative to what we consume mass produced.

The food and lifestyle that earlier humans had consumed seemed to be mostly hunting for meat and from this came to the popularity of the Paleo diet where the diet tired to mimic the diet of earlier humans. The search for a healthier diet from our predecessors is a good way to find a more balanced diet for humans in general. However if leading a similar diet we must also lead a similar lifestyle of exercises and also start limiting the amount of meat, fat, and starch we consume.

4 thoughts on “Could eating like our ancestors make us healthier?”

  1. I think that it is interesting to consider how changing our diets could impact our health. In my FYS class last semester (How Sweet It Is?), we discussed our diets and changes we should do to become more healthy. In theory, ‘paleo’ diets seem like a good option; you only eat foods like fruits, vegetables, and nuts while eliminating grains, dairy, and processed foods. However, like you mentioned, our lifestyle is very different than our ancestors who followed this diet. In addition, the foods from the paleo diet can still leave us lacking important vitamins and minerals. Instead of making a huge diet change, we came to the conclusion that eating foods in moderation is healthier. By making a conscious effort to eliminate processed foods that contain ingredients like high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oils, you will eat a more balanced diet. The industrialization of food has greatly impacted the way that we eat, which in turn has partially affected our health.


  2. I liked your post because it made me think about how our food choices are leading to increased health issues. But I think, while this is largely because of the actual food, I think it is also because of the lives that we lead. People’s lives now have much higher levels of stress than back when our ancestors lived and I think that that could lead to health issues as well. I do think that health issues are caused mainly by the food we choose to eat but I also think it is the lifestyle change from then to now.


  3. Stanley you propose something that is very eye opening. I think that eating healthier is a very big benefit for us humans. I think that the article provides a great background that showed how evolution has altered and shaped how we eat food today. But even today we struggle with finding healthy foods, and the price is another factor that makes is very hard for us to attain food that panders to healthy food choices. Even with the Paleo diet, which consists of meat, it isn’t very great at storing energy to utilize during the day. In the end, we made choices that aided our food choices and helped us grow, but not really grow enough. So at the end of the day, our diets have improved but not improved too much. The article is great read!


  4. Stanley, I really appreciated your approach to analyzing ancestral eating habits and what it could mean for the health of people today. I think that the problem is that as civilized areas have grown, the methods of producing food to sustain them must have to have been industrialized for the most efficiency. I don’t think the problem is so much what is available for people to eat, but rather the sedentary lifestyle that people have lately adopted.


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